The Title of Beneath Stars Long Extinct
by Egatz
I’ve gotten a lot of great feedback on the title of Beneath Stars Long Extinct. It seems thinking about light reaching us after leaving distant galaxies hundreds of millions of years ago has resonated with some individuals. It puts things in perspective when you’re depressed about paying another mortgage installment on a house worth less than half of what you bought it for, or bitching about a pair of socks on the floor, or moaning about a profession which gives you no joy. Coincidentally, I found an infographic about the relative size of the known universe. That certainly puts things in perspective.
Think about it. A star’s light that started it’s journey before dinosaurs walked our planet. Light traveling toward your eyes before animals flew the skies of Earth. Light which was headed our way while Einstein’s brain was dreaming about riding on a beam of light.
These kinds of things make me happy, and a book of poems with a cover I like brings a little solace to a galactic backwater in a very large universe. I think I’ve gathered the strength to pay some bills now. Good evening.